Excuse my NO-MAKEUP face... And I promise he's happy. Just doesn't smile much taking pictures.. |
Let the painting begin... but wait!
We just happened to be at Home Depot Sunday... Imagine that! We aren't ever there..
Ha what a joke! :)
So we just went over to the paint just to look.. And of course left with 3 sample containers of paint. We just knew those were going to be the colors.. NOT! We liked the colors just not for where we were going to paint which by the way is our hallway..
Don't know where we came up with painting it first.
I guess it doesn't matter where we start because this whole house has to be painted.
First attempt.. Too Light! |
So yesterday we made a trip back to Home Depot. We picked out a few more colors and Joe said I want to get something done so let's just go ahead and get a few gallons of these. I have to be honest it made me nervous because i am super picky but i said what the heck we have 2200 square feet in this house to paint if i don't like the colors in the hallway we can use it somewhere else.
It's so funny how when you are house hunting you see all these houses with ridiculous paint on the walls... Sometimes i wonder what these people were thinking when they chose them. Like painting our hallway PURPLE!!! Who does that so i guess it was pretty important to get that changed quickly!
Before.. With Beige and Purple and OFFWHITE Chair Rail and Trim! (The purple was very bright purple in person.) |
So... We started painting yesterday evening and didn't stop til it was almost done around 2 am. Yes we are tired but we are so motivated by seeing progress! I'm super blessed with the best man in the world. He is a workaholic.
And he never starts a project that he doesn't finish. Sometimes I have to make him sit down and relax because he will just go, go, go!
We were worried the whole time we were painting until it was done NOW then, we LOVED it! So patience is the KEY! ;)
AFTER: The picture doesn't do it justice... But it's a light grey and the bottom is a dark grey and FRESH WHITE Chair Rail and Trim... Nothing better! We had the best time together painting... like we do with everything we do together! This adventure we have taken on together is so much fun and rewarding! OH YEAH, I forgot to tell y'all... Our first BIG project that will be starting soon.. well we've already started it just had little things to do first. Our Kitchen... Just to give you a brief on my current situation. The kitchen I'm using right now is in the new addition the previous owners had built two years ago. They had a kitchenette there. So that's what I'm working with because we purchased this home without a kitchen. The previous owners were in the process of remodeling it and had already torn everything out including the cabinets. So we are so excited about designing and building our perfect kitchen. We have been shopping around for cabinets. And I think we have it pinned down to where we will buy from and what we will get.  One of the best places to get cabinets in ATLANTA. This place you could very easily get LOST in.
My Love shopping for cabinets. Can't wait to get this project in full swing! |
Super Blessed,ERICA :) |